Talking the challenges and opportunities in building inclusive sustainable smart cities, UN Sustainable Development Goals, AI, and the Spatial Web
Author: Denise Holt
VERSES AI Compared to OpenAI | A Conversation With ChatGPT4
In a mere three question conversation with ChatGPT4, the OpenAI bot provided a solid basis for understanding the greatest issues facing Machine Learning LLMs, the advantages of Active Inference AI over LLMs, and the way in which the next evolution of the internet protocol, the Spatial Web, when combined with Active Inference AI, can function as a nervous system for a company, city, or even larger systems.
AI – The Maker vs. the Operator, LLM vs Active Inference
VERSES AI has overcome the limitations of machine learning AI, by building a new kind of artificial intelligence based on a real-time world model described as:
“AI that grows in knowledge, perception, and awareness through the evolving real-time data produced by all things, at all times, throughout our living, breathing, and ever-changing world.”
This is Active Inference AI, an entirely new type of networked AI that is designed for Real-Time Operations, including things like managing the daily operations of a hospital, an airport, global supply chains, an entire smart city, global drone and autonomous vehicle traffic, and other real-world activities.
Spatial Web AI Podcast: Dan Mapes – President & Founder, VERSES AI
Join us as we discuss VERSES AI, arguably the most important company in the future of AI technology and “the autonomous nervous system of the planet.”
Spatial Web AI Podcast: Gabriel Rene – CEO & Founder, VERSES AI
Discussing the future of AI, Active Inference AI, Intelligent Agents vs. Machine Learning, Spatial Domains, HSTP & HSML, and more!
Spatial Web and the Era of AI : Part 3 – VERSES AI Provides Next Level Tools to Build AI Apps
VERSES AI has created Genius™ OS, enabling anyone to build an intelligent agent, or “Smart App” on top of it, poised to democratize AI app development on a distributed network of intelligence.
The Spatial Web and the Era of AI: Part 2 – Who is Karl Friston?
VERSES AI, with Chief Scientist, Karl Friston, has developed a clear roadmap to AGI — the holy grail of AI, and the timeline is here (as in, right here in this article).
The Spatial Web and the Era of AI: Part 1 – What is Active Inference AI?
Active Inference AI is Artificial Intelligence that thinks, and it can overcome the limitations of deep learning and machine learning AI
Why the Spatial Web Demands a New Protocol – Part 4 – IEEE & AI Governance
The core standards of the evolving internet, HSTP and HSML, and AI Governance are being developed right now between the IEEE and the Spatial Web Foundation.
Why the Spatial Web Demands a New Protocol: Part 3 – HSML
HSML, the programming language of the Spatial Web, creates computable context enabling AI perception, awareness, and understanding for the evolving internet – a distributed network of intelligence.
Why the Spatial Web Demands a New Protocol: Part 2 – HSTP
Our internet protocol is evolving from HTTP to HSTP to include spaces and objects, enabling an entirely new kind of artificial intelligence.
FTX Corruption – A Case for Self-Custody and Decentralization
This FTX scandal just made a glorious case for why self-custody and decentralization is necessary for anti-corruption – yes, even government corruption, and it’s a freedom we need to fight for and protect.
Why the Spatial Web Demands a New Protocol: Part 1 – Web 3.0
Web 3.0 (the Spatial Web) requires us to think very differently about data connection between all objects, circumstances, and people.
WWW vs. The Spatial Web
The new Spatial Web Protocol and programming language, HSTP (Hyperspace Transaction Protocol) and HSML (Hyperspace Modeling Language), are necessary to take us from static web pages, to stateful interaction within 3D spatial environments.
The Spatial Web is Coming: Part 4 -The Network of Everything
the Economy of Everything, must be on a common network. Websites will evolve to include web worlds networked with nested entities of people, places, and things, both real and virtual. All of this will be searchable and accessible through AI.