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Active Inference & The Spatial Web

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Active Inference AI & Spatial Web Technologies

The Future of AI is shared, distributed, and multi-scale.
  • Autonomous Intelligent Systems that are knowable, explainable, and capable of human governance.
  • Composable RGM Intelligent Agents that process information using the same mechanics as biological intelligence, operating in a naturally efficient way, able to reason, plan, and adapt using live data, without being tethered to a singular database.
This is Active Inference AI & the Spatial Web.

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Revolutionary AI Whitepaper Validated by New Neuroscience Breakthrough

August 22, 2023

In December 2022, VERSES AI set forth a sweeping vision for artificial intelligence based on a distributed, collective real-time knowledge graph, comprised of Intelligent Agents operating on the physics of intelligence itself. In their whitepaper, titled “Designing Ecosystems of Intelligence from First Principles,” they propose a profound departure from standard notions of AI as a monolithic system. This groundbreaking new artificial intelligence paradigm is gaining momentum, thanks to…

Friston’s AI Law is Proven: FEP Explains How Neurons Learn

August 15, 2023

Dr. Karl J. Friston is the most cited neuroscientist in the world, celebrated for his work in brain imaging and physics inspired brain theory. He also happens to be the Chief Scientist at VERSES AI, working on an entirely new kind of AI called Active Inference AI, based on the Free Energy Principle (FEP) — Karl’s theory that has just been proven by researchers in Japan to explain how the…

VERSES AI Compared to OpenAI   |   A Conversation With ChatGPT4

May 23, 2023

In a mere three question conversation with ChatGPT4, the OpenAI bot provided a solid basis for understanding the greatest issues facing Machine Learning LLMs, the advantages of Active Inference AI over LLMs, and the way in which the next evolution of the internet protocol, the Spatial Web, when combined with Active Inference AI, can function as a nervous system for a company, city, or even larger systems.

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